mandag den 31. august 2009
A new blog full of graphically interesting, but otherwise uncollectible, books that entered and exited bookstores quietly in the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
søndag den 30. august 2009
SUPREME just previewed their Fall/Winter 2009 Collection and in addition to that they updated their website with a few videos and features. One of the videos that caught our eye was this video showcasing how the infamous Supreme guerilla billboard in New York City came about. Take a look and witness how the billboard was put together.
NIKE SPORTSWEAR will be releasing three new autoclave models in the upcoming Fall and Winter Season’s including a Dunk Autoclave, Auto Flite Lite, and Auto Force 180. Autoclave is the term used to describe the midsole/outsole of these three shoes, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, it is also synonymous with the term vulcanized. The Nike Dunk AC will be released in the upcoming month as a Tier Zero release and it will come in the Black colorway pictured along with a Grey colorway. The Auto Flite Lite in the LA Lakers colorway and Auto Force 180 in a New York Knicks colorway will be released as a Quickstrike release during the Holiday 2009 Season.
lørdag den 29. august 2009
I’m proud to announce SIXPACK FRANCE has been involved in the next issue of Los-Angeles based art magazine ARKITIP 0052, who has been art directed by my friend STEVEN HARRINGTON.
In addition to serving as a catalogue of previous and new artwork, the issue edition will premiere a new body of work by Steven Harrington & Justin Krietemeyer entitled “The Desert, 128 Miles northeast of Los Angeles” – photography by Brigitte Sire.
For such a special occasion, we have closely designed with Steven two exclusive products, including a limited tshirt and a very special product. Stay focus!
fredag den 28. august 2009
Le-fix is inviting you all to join our 10 years birthday.
Hope to see your fat ass at our street party:
Saturday, 29 August 2009, 16-22
LE FIX, Guldbergsgade 18
torsdag den 27. august 2009
onsdag den 26. august 2009
Ny bog giver et unikt indblik i en farverig tradition fra starten i 1895, og beskriver de stærke danske personligheder bag kropskunsten.
”Dansk Tatovering” skildrer den visuelle udvikling fra 1895 til i dag, og især storhedstiden i 1960’erne byder på en række fascinerende historier fra et hårdt miljø. Bogen er fyldt med anekdoter og et væld af historiske fotos af de specielle personligheder og tatoveringens hotspots: det rå Nyhavn, hvor sømænd og fulde svenskere var tatoveringskunderne, og den endnu hårdere Istedgade, som udviklede sig til et nyt tatocenter i 1980’erne. København var faktisk det absolutte centrum for tatovering i Norden frem til midten af 1970’erne.
Bogen føres helt op til nutiden ved at portrættere 14 aktive tatovører sammen med deres karakteristiske kunst – lige fra klassiske motiver til den nyeste graffiti- og hip hop-stil. Her ses den nye generation, der skal slå stregerne til næste kapitel i dansk tatoverings historie.
Lørdag og søndag kl 11 - 18. Mandag kl. 14 - 19
Enghavevej 80 - 82.
Dansk Tatovering af Jon Nordstrøm
Isbn: 978-87-993150-0-0
tirsdag den 25. august 2009
Griffenfeldtsgade 7A, 3 sal tv
2200 København N
Torsdag d. 27 August kl. 16:00-20:00
Fredag d. 28 August kl. 15:00-19:00
Via Facebook
mandag den 24. august 2009
Kære Venner.
I ved vi er en sucker for hygge, fest og samvær og derfor skal I da heller ikke snydes for en omgang Who´s The Pussy Now forfest inden det går løs i Ridehuset d. 28 om aftenen.
Derfor har vi slået pjalterne sammen med de københavnske folk bag Somersby Disko Transportable og den seje, upcoming århusianske designer Bibi Chemnitz og inviterer til Who´s The Pussy Now/ Disko Transportable forfest d. 28 august fra 18.00- 22.00 hos Inuit by Bibi Chemnitz i Vestergade 15-17 ( baggården).
Disko Transportable er vores alle sammens yndlingsfest på hjul og derfor er vi glade for at kunne annoncere at drengene smider Somersbycampingvognen bag på en bil og kommer til 8000 for at give os en forfest uden lige! I samarbejde med Somersby har drengene købt en campingvogn, bygget en forhave, lejet et anlæg, hyret en masse fede DJ’s, og fået Somersby til at levere gratis drikkevarer.
Bibi har været så sej at ligge lokaler og gård til, så mens du sipper din Somersby og tripper til Disko Transportables toner, kan du finde din favorit kjole eller skjorte til aftenens fest.
Derfor er det med stolthed at vi inviterer Jer seje århusianere til forfest, fri Somersby, Orgelmusik og hygge inden vi i fællesskab følges op til Ridehuset, hvor vi fester natten lang.
Tak til Somersby og Bibi Chemnitz for at I vil forfeste og lege med os.
Kærligst Who´s The Pussy Now & Disko Transportable
søndag den 23. august 2009
Graffiti art proves once again to be a perfect way to make a neighborhood more livable. An overpass in the Kralingen-Crooswijk township of the city of Rotterdam has often been designated as a dangerous unpleasant place. Artist duo Transister (Nelleke Boerkoel and Hanneke van Leeuwen) helped change that.
To make the neighborhood more livable and attractive, the city council of Rotterdam called in the Dutch company Mothership and the artist duo Transister (Nelleke Boerkoel and Hanneke van Leeuwen) from the creative production agency Shop Around.
Transister made an amazing pink graffiti artwork inspired by the styles and characteristics of young people living in the neighborhood.
This has resulted in a candy pink viaduct ceiling, hand painted pillars with super cool prints and slanting walls that function as a true portrait gallery portraying the young people from the neighborhood.
Via juxtapoz.comINVADER PART2
14th August 2009 - 17th September 2009 at LAZARIDES
Pics by Louise Klinker
More at
After a hectic week, Freshness brought our good friend from NYC, DJ CLARK KENT, around the sights and scenes of Taipei, Taiwan. Kent, who was in town for the NIKE IAM1 JOURNEY , not only fashioned a new NIKE AIR MAX LEBRON VIII at the grand opening event. But he also took out a fresh pair of Nike Dunk SB Air Force 1 for the occasion - the Nike SB Dunk Low “Ms. Pacman” + Air Force 1. Feature a color filled vamp, in sequence with the classic video game, along with the signature Nike Air unit outsole, the design is most likely an one-of-one model. Still a nice piece to have in your arsenal.
fredag den 21. august 2009
Google pillows - a summary of the top news searches in Google for that year. Each cushion is signed and numbered from an edition of 250 each year.
torsdag den 20. august 2009
onsdag den 19. august 2009
mandag den 17. august 2009
On a recent trip down to Los Angeles FECALFACE swung through KILL PIXIE's studio. This Australia (now living in LA) street artist creates dizzying precious works and installations.
See much more at