DROPCLOCK is an aesthetically intriguing motion clock screensaver. Every minute of real time is numerically expressed with heavy Helvetica dropping into water in super slow-motion.
An in-depth look at a style in flux, 'SMASH 137 – smash proof' traces the various style excursions and developments of SMASH 137—one of Europe's finest contemporary graffiti writers—as he chases the elusive "perfect style". Never content with resting on his reputation or accepting in-vogue styles, Smash keeps busy mixing it up and pushing his letter forms to the limit. Author Amber Grünhäuser gives us the SMASH 137 "style" lowdown in a series of essays exploring his style lineage, the twists and turns of his style journey, the role of sketching and the 'State of the Line' in his work and his current thoughts and practices. All is revealed—including SMASH 137’s style philosophy and secrets. Be warned this is not for the faint hearted—this is style intensive!
"Firstly, what is style? I mean style is just about character, it’s about the personality you give to the letters, and style development is about sharpening the personality of these letters." SMASH 137
Official Release 6th November 2009
Someone let the cat out of the bag and the kitty decided to cozy up next to Stussy for a collaborative capsule collection. Featuring the widely adored global sensation of a cat with a bow but no mouth, the capsule collection gives Hello Kitty a bit of a street edge with some sassy tag lines. Taunting little boys to skate tough? Check. Telling big boys to shut it? Check.
The collection that is due to drop on Nov 7 consisting of a range of graphic tees fusing Hello Kitty with Stussy’s iconic swirly font, hoodies and other accessories is an interesting one for the female crowd. Check out the collection that is bound to bring some new female fans over to the Stussy side.Available now at amazon.com
Robert Williams: Vans Vault x DQM from Jared Abe on Vimeo.
On the occasion of the publication of the book, From style writing to graffiti, a street art anthology, the gallery organizes a Graffiti and Street art exhibition which get together the masters of the 70s as well as their most important successors and the renovators of street art. An event which is in line with the commitment taken by Magda Danysz, for already more than 10 years in support of Graffiti and Street Art.
Proud to fight for the recognition of Graffiti and Street Art as a major artistic movement, Magda Danysz publishes this fall an anthology about the History of this key artistic movement.
The works of Seen, Crash, Quik show the historic sources of the street art. From the 70s they sprayed their names on the subways or walls of New York. Today, they are considered as the pioneers of this movement, the “Kings” as they were named back then. The 80s and 90s generation, embodied by Jonone, West, Miss Van, Space Invader shows diversity in street art. These different ways of expression are the testimony of a real transition from the Style Writing to an artistic manifestation. Among them, Jonone was one of the first ones to choose to express himself on canvas from 1991. Concerning Space Invader, he distances himself with use of the mosaic for instance.
As this exhibition is an illustration to the anthology of graffiti and street art written by Magda Danysz, the gallery features a special room with wall painting done by the artists on the occasion.
A very special project to celebrate a very special art movement : Publication of the first critical book about Street Art. About 400 pages explain and go into details the artistic aspect of this movement. "In the beginning, there was a the tag and the inscriptions on walls. It gave birth to the wild writing and to the graffiti. What was transformed into what we know now under the name of Urban Art or Street Art. A complex and interesting movement which deserves much more than of simple shortcuts.
From Style Writing to Art, a Street Art anthology, aims at explaining how Street Art became an major artistic movement at the turn of the 21th century. This book is interested in the pioneers of the graffiti who became famous from the 60s, the it explores the success of the artists of the 80s, and finally it looks into the new questions and practices of the 90s.
Extract: "It’s time to stand for a truth, or maybe it’s just time for me to speak up for truth. A truth that struck me so hard, and so young, my whole life has been all about that truth, ever since my teenage years. This is about how I consider and feel so absolutely that Street Art is the most interesting artistic movement at the turn of the century. Let me repeat myself on this, if only for the skeptic eye, for the blind and lost, or for the latecomers who just missed the boat: urban art is the most important artistic movement in the turn of our century. Talents are born in the history of graffiti, itself born in the recent history of urban art. This finally allows us not to answer the famous “But… is it really art?” question. Out of this both compact and diffuse form of expression, real art practices have emerged, absolutely unquestionable in terms of quality and longevity. "
Coauthor Mary Noelle Dana, 400 pages, 200 illustrations, published by DragoPhoto iD –Inspiration Anywhere. Capture yourinspirationin aninstant. See something youlike? Snapit andlet PhotoiD do the work. It will process your chosen inspiration and create a unique color palette just for you. You can also dig deep in your own personal photos for some ready-made inspiration. Once you have your unique palette all you have to do is pick your favorite color combination and a list of color-identified designs will be served up. Color Shuffle -Shake and Go. Have a design picked out, but want to lose control a little? Simply shake your iPhone and Color Shuffle will access millions of designs to serve up an unexpected color combo for any style. Color Picker – Get Directive with the colors you want. Search the color combinations that matter to you by selecting one or two colors to find your perfect design. myLOCKER – Pick it. Pack it. Post it. Once your favorite shoe is locked in, move to “Personal iD” to add your own ID or graphic. Finish the design, buy it or stash it in myLOCKER With myLOCKER you can pick up where youleft off and share your design with others. iD Studio Finder – Access your own personaldesign consultant. Find out where the Nike iD Studios are located and get face to face time with a design consultant.
The NIKEiD App is available for free from the App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at itunes.com/appstore.
Via slamxhype.com