It's gotten so bad lately that you can look at a magazine cover and immediately say, "airbrushed, lightened, clone-patched..." It seems everybody in print is digitally manipulating their photographs that nobody looks human anymore. Skin is too perfectly smooth, teeth too white, eyes too big, thighs too small, and other parts... enhanced...
Not that you would do that to your own family photos - oh, no. You would never do that! Truth is you could, but you wouldn't. Your family doesn't need enhancement! They're perfect just the way they are! Well, maybe that one blemish could be smoothed out...
Those pictures on your fridge are being held up by, what - a badly painted ceramic fridge-magnet with a dolphin that says "Boca Raton" on it? Your grandma give you that? Why not put your pictures where they belong! In Photoshop! Sorta! Stick your precious family moments on the chilly kitchen appliance with magnets shaped like your favorite photo-manipulator. Eleven magnets, all set to do your dirty work.
Available at thinkgeek.com
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