If you’ve ever been called an Apple Fanboy, you’ve no doubt tried to defend yourself by claiming you simply like things that work, blah, blah, blah. So here are 10 ways to test your Mac geekiness to see if you really are a Fanboy.
- You know that Apple was founded by the two Steves, and a third partner named Ronald Wayne, who was responsible for the creation of the original Apple logo.
- You not only have an Apple sticker on your car window, but you’ve placed one in the corner of every window in your house, effectively notifying would-be thieves that you have something worthy of breaking in for.
- The only three fonts you use in your documents are Motter Tektura, Garamond and Myriad.
- You download updates to Apple software that you don’t even own.
- You’ve taken the day off from work during every Macworld Expo to listen to the keynote speech.
- You have milk crates for furniture, yet you manage to scrape up enough money to pay AT&T’s obscenely high fees for the privilege of owning an iPhone.
- You take a screenshot of your desktop and upload it to Flickr…every day!
- You have three fart, two flashlight, and three Twitter apps on your iPhone.
- You have no less than seven black turtleneck shirts.
- You have signed, framed and hung on the wall “unboxing” photos of every Apple product you’ve ever purchased…including AppleCare
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